Salix x Acutifolia

Salix x acutifolia is grown in our willow beds at Lakeshore Willows for basketry and living willow work. 


  • Beautiful red/purple shoots that turn dark with a whitish bloom.
  • Older wood turns almost black 2nd or 3rd year and later into a grayish colour.
  • Interesting for living willow work or a shrub for the garden.
  • Grown for basketry and coppiced annually (it is not a big producer for us).
  • Planted solitary here annual growth can reach up to 7 feet.

Growth Habit

Grows into a large shrub if not pruned.


This variety works well for Living Willow Work, and can also be used for basketry. Not the best weaver, but very beautiful in a basket.

IMPORTANT NOTE FROM LENE: I am not a horticulturist and the information provided for each willow variety is based on my observations growing and using the willows here at Lakeshore Willows. The information about growth habit is quoted from Christopher Newsholme's book: Willows, The Genus Salix.

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